Case Study – Texas

lower attic temperatures despite record-setting heat

Location: Texas, USA


Problem: Attic temperatures were high, and the electric bill was even higher.


Solution: AtticFoil™ Radiant Barrier was installed to block the heat in the summer and cool the house down overall.


Results/Update: Despite record setting temperatures in Texas, AtticFoil™ worked to cool down the attic 15°F and even with the A/C running less, the home feels cooler.


In their own words:

I purchased 3,000 square feet of AtticFoil™ for my 1930’s era home in South Texas. This past summer we’ve had over 50 days of 100+ degree heat, beginning in July. My attic is quite large and tall, so I used 48″ wide rolls and stapled it to my rafters horizontally, leaving 6″ gaps at the eaves and up at the roof peak where I have ridge-vents.

Before I started, my attic temperatures measured over 120°F … about 20°F above the outside air temperatures. The attic stayed over 100°F until well after midnight. I put in about 12 hours and did the job by myself with only a fan, Internet radio on my iPhone, and an electric stapler to keep me company. Note that I did all my work between 4am and 8am when the attic temp was less than 80°F. After completing the job in late August, my attic temp is never more than 5 to 10°F higher than the outside temperature, even in the heat of the day. I also noticed that my A/C shuts off earlier and runs less … the house even FEELS cooler with the thermostat set to a higher (warmer) setting.


“…[before installing] the attic stayed over 100°F until well after midnight.”

Our electric bill was about $50 LESS in August than in July, even though it was mostly hotter. Since there’s a delay in my meter readings, I expect lower bills for September, too.

My son also purchased AtticFoil for his home in San Antonio and will no doubt provide his own review in time.

Thanks to Ed and everyone at for the great website, informative tips, videos, and helpful suggestions abound. Well done, y’all!


“…[afterward] our electric bill was about $50 less…even though it was hotter outside.”

As you can see from the before and after photos (above), one pleasant side-benefit of the attic foil installation is that the foil surface is very reflective and the attic is MUCH brighter…now I can see all the crap I’ve stored up there for years! Unfortunately, my wife wants me to clean up the mess. I believe will save that for cooler weather!

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