Learn about Radiant Barrier
How AtticFoil™ Stacks Up Against TechShield®
When it comes to home improvements that can help save homeowners money or enhance their home, everyone wants to know the answer to the same question: Which one is the absolute best investment for me? This is especially true when it comes to any project related to roofing. The reason for this is twofold. One, roofing projects are, quite simply, expensive. There’s just no way around it. If you want a quality project done with the best materials, it’s going to be a pretty major investment. Secondly, these projects tend to take a much longer time to complete because of their complexity. As a result, it’s absolutely normal for homeowners to want to go through the pros and cons for every option before making a decision.
Myth or Truth? Moisture and Radiant Barrier
Did you know that over 70% of all home issues are moisture related? Moisture problems are not always complicated to solve, but that doesn’t mean they can’t pose big problems.
Myth or Truth? Dust Accumulation Ruins Radiant Barrier
If a radiant barrier is on the floor, then dust can land on it and over time won’t that cover up the foil and make it useless? Why would you suggest anyone install the foil over the insulation if this is true?
Myth or Truth? Cell Phones and Radiant Barrier
If radio waves (used to carry cell phone signals) are blocked by aluminum-foil, doesn’t that mean putting foil in my attic will block my cell phone from getting a signal? Truthfully, it’s not so cut and dry as that…
Myth or Truth? Radiant Barrier Damages Roof Shingles
This can be a little tricky to understand because it seems logical that the roof would get hotter if the radiant barrier below it is reflecting 97% of the radiant heat back through the roof assembly. However, we will do our best to explain why the effect is nominal.
The Spring/Fall Effect of Radiant Barrier
Every year I hear the same story. I have many clients who install AtticFoil™ and absolutely love the difference it makes all through the summer but once fall settles in they call to us with their concerns. Usually their emails will praise the difference AtticFoil™ made in the summer but then they’ll say that they aren’t able to cool their house off in the evening and overnight. Could there be a problem with the radiant barrier? Has AtticFoil™ failed them already?
How to Combine Spray Foam Insulation and Radiant Barrier
Whether you’re building a new home or improving an old one, you can use a combination of spray foam encapsulation with radiant barrier foil to keep the heat out and improve the comfort within your home. To get started, you’ll need to encapsulate the roof deck with 6″ open-cell foam, and then insulate the attic and all the exterior walls. Foam alone is not enough though to keep the radiant heat at bay, so you also need a good radiant barrier foil.